Five O'Clock Somewhere

Welcome to Five O'Clock Somewhere, where it doesn't matter what time zone you're in; it's five o'clock somewhere. We'll look at rural life, especially as it happens in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, cats, sailing (particularly Etchells racing yachts), and bits of grammar and Victorian poetry.

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Sometimes, what the subconscious mind does defies all explanation

I have had this recurring dream. I have had it since I was in eighth grade. In the dream, I pack up all of my important possessions, including whatever cat or cats I have at the time, into whatever car I have at the time, and I drive to Wisconsin.

I haven’t the foggiest notion why I take off for Wisconsin. I’ve never been to Wisconsin. At the time I first had the dream, I didn’t even know anybody from Wisconsin. One of my eighth-grade classmates eventually went to the University of Wisconsin, but his family was originally from Texas, so that doesn’t make sense either.

Adding to the frustration of this dream is that I never actually get to Wisconsin. I usually wake up sometime about when I get to Omaha.

I don’t even know a whole lot about Wisconsin, aside from there’s a lot of good football that goes on there, especially at Lambeau Field, and there are a lot of cows that produce milk to make a lot of cheese. So why, from the time I was 13, has Wisconsin been this unattainable Holy Grail of my dreams?

Perhaps it was originally a desire for the different. Perhaps, to my eighth-grade mind, nothing could be more different from New Mexico – lush and green, rather than arid and more-or-less brown. But why, then, would the dream recur even when I was in green places, like England and Houston?

Or is there something in Wisconsin, calling me? Will my life never be complete until I have actually, physically, set foot in Wisconsin?


Blogger Pat said...

We could look at boats for sale around lakes Michigan and Superior. It would be a sacrifice and a huge effort, but if that's what we have to do to help you achieve your dreams, we'll do it.

Tue Nov 29, 12:37:00 PM MST  
Blogger Carol Anne said...

Isn't that part of the world where the Jellisons got Cultural Infidel?

Oh, dear, does that mean that for the past 30 years, without my knowing it, I have been dreaming of the trip to acquire our dream yacht?

No, wait a minute. The Heap, Grane, and El Caballero were/are not capable of towing a boat home.

Or are we supposed to trade in the car for a big truck when we get the boat?

Wed Nov 30, 12:06:00 AM MST  

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